Mjolnir Script V.1


Kızıltaş madencisi
17 May 2020
Merhaba, konuma hoşgeldiniz.SonOyuncu ByNovem Mjölnir skriptini Sizlerle paylaşmak istediğim bir konu. Çoğu kişi gördüğüm kadarıyla Mjölnir skripti istiyor. Eh bende boş kalmam sizlere birkaç script'den alıntı yaparak ve editleyerek bir skript oluşturdum. Aşağıdaki pluginler bu skriptin çalışabilmesi için zorunludur.
Skript, WildSkript, Skellett, SharpSK, skDragon, SkQuery, skRayFall, Umbaska
    name: &f&k00&bMjolnir&f&k00

command /thunderer:
        if {hükümlü.%player%} is set:
            remove 1 iron axe named "{@name}" from player
            show 200 "flame" particles at player's location for player offset by 3, 1, 1
            spawn armor stand at player's location
            set {_axe} to last spawned entity
            set spawned entity's tool to iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750
            add "{NoGravity:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{Invisible:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{NoBasePlate:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{ShowArms:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{DisabledSlots:2039583}" to nbt of {_axe}
            add "{Pose:{RightArm:[70f,0f,0f]}}" to nbt of last spawned entity
            wait 3 tick
            teleport last spawned entity 0.5 below the last spawned entity
            set {_1} to location 2 meters above last spawned entity
            create holo object "{@name}" with id  "axe" at {_1}
            while player is not sneaking:
                wait 1 tick
            teleport last spawned entity -0.5 below the last spawned entity
            strike lightning at the last spawned entity's location
            stop all particle effects
            execute player command "/killall armorstand"
            give a iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750 named "{@name}" to player
            send action bar from "&a&l&k123 &c&l999999999999 Milyar&6&l/&a&l%executor% &a&l&k123" to players
            delete holo object "axe"
            execute console command "/manuadd %player% thunderer"
            send action bar from "&6&lÇekiç çok ağır!" to player

on right click:
    player is holding iron axe named "{@name}":
        replace all "seconds" with "saniye" in {_cinax.bekleme}
        set {_cinax.bekleme} to difference between {by.cinax.%player%} and now
        if {_cinax.bekleme} is less than 5 seconds:
            set  {_cinax.bekleme} to difference between {_cinax.bekleme} and 5 seconds
            message "&bBy&6CINAX> &8%{_cinax.bekleme}% süre beklemelisin. "
        set {by.cinax.%player%}  to now
        set {.godo.%player%.1} to block 1 infront of player
        set {.godo.%player%.2} to block 2 infront of player
        set {.godo.%player%.3} to block 3 infront of player
        set {.godo.%player%.4} to block 4 infront of player
        set {.godo.%player%.5} to block 5 infront of player
        set {.godo.%player%.6} to block 6 infront of player
        set {.godo.%player%.7} to block 7 infront of player
        set {.godo.%player%.8} to block 8 infront of player
        set {.godo.%player%.9} to block 9 infront of player
        set {.godo.%player%.10} to block 10 infront of player
        set {.godo.%player%.11} to block 11 infront of player
        set block at {.godo.%player%.1} to ice
        spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.1}
        wait 2 ticks
        set block at {.godo.%player%.1} to {.godo.%player%.2}
        set block at {.godo.%player%.2} to ice
        spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.2}
        wait 2 ticks
        set block at {.godo.%player%.2} to {.godo.%player%.3}
        set block at {.godo.%player%.3} to ice
        spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.3}
        wait 2 ticks
        set block at {.godo.%player%.3} to {.godo.%player%.4}
        set block at {.godo.%player%.4} to ice
        spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.4}
        wait 2 ticks
        set block at {.godo.%player%.4} to {.godo.%player%.5}
        set block at {.godo.%player%.5} to ice
        spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.5}
        wait 2 ticks
        set block at {.godo.%player%.5} to {.godo.%player%.6}
        set block at {.godo.%player%.6} to ice
        spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.6}
        wait 2 ticks
        set block at {.godo.%player%.6} to {.godo.%player%.7}
        set block at {.godo.%player%.7} to ice
        spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.7}
        wait 2 ticks
        set block at {.godo.%player%.7} to {.godo.%player%.8}
        set block at {.godo.%player%.8} to ice
        spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.8}
        wait 2 ticks
        set block at {.godo.%player%.8} to {.godo.%player%.9}
        set block at {.godo.%player%.9} to ice
        spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.9}
        wait 2 ticks
        set block at {.godo.%player%.9} to {.godo.%player%.10}
        set block at {.godo.%player%.10} to ice
        spawn 60 of particle snowball poof:0 offset by 1, 1, 1 at {.godo.%player%.10}
        wait 2 ticks
        set block at {.godo.%player%.10} to {.godo.%player%.11}
        create an explosion of force 5 at {.godo.%player%.10}
        strike lightning at {.godo.%player%.10}
        loop blocks in radius 2 of {.godo.%player%.10}:
            set loop-block to air or redstone block or red wool or fire or blue wool

on drop:
        name of event-item is "{@name}":
        cancel event
        wait 3 tick
        remove 1 iron axe named "{@name}" from player
        show 200 "flame" particles at player's location for player offset by 3, 1, 1
        spawn armor stand at player's location
        set {_axe} to last spawned entity
        set spawned entity's tool to iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750
        add "{NoGravity:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
        add "{Invisible:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
        add "{NoBasePlate:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
        add "{ShowArms:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
        add "{DisabledSlots:2039583}" to nbt of {_axe}
        add "{Pose:{RightArm:[70f,0f,0f]}}" to nbt of last spawned entity
        wait 3 tick
        teleport last spawned entity 0.5 below the last spawned entity
        set {_1} to location 2 meters above last spawned entity
        create holo object "{@name}" with id  "axe" at {_1}
        while player is not sneaking:
                wait 2 tick
        teleport last spawned entity -0.5 below the last spawned entity
        strike lightning at the last spawned entity's location
        stop all particle effects
        execute player command "/killall armorstand"
        give a iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750 named "{@name}" to player
        delete holo object "axe"

on picking up:
    item is a iron axe named "{@name}":
        if {hükümlü.%player%} is set:
            if player is sneaking:
                delete {emre.%player%}
                cancel event
            send action bar from "&c&lBaltaya layık değilsin!" to player
            cancel event

on left click:
    player is holding {byc.%player%}:
        show 200 "flame" particles at player's location for player offset by 3, 1, 1
        spawn armor stand at player's location
        remove 1 iron axe named "{@name}" from player
        set spawned entity's tool to iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750
        add "{Invisible:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
        add "{NoBasePlate:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
        add "{ShowArms:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
        add "{DisabledSlots:2039583}" to nbt of last spawned entity
        add "{Pose:{RightArm:[1f,0f,0f]}}" to nbt of last spawned entity
        create bound holo object "{@name}" with id "{axes}" to last spawned entity offset by 0.4, 1.9, 0
        set {_axe} to last spawned entity
        loop 5 times:
            wait 0.3 seconds
            push {_axe} in direction of player at speed 2
            kill targeted entity
        set {_x} to block 1 below the last spawned entity
        while {_x} is air:
            wait 1 seconds
            set {_x} to block 1 below the last spawned entity
        add "{NoGravity:1}" to nbt of {_axe}
        teleport last spawned entity 0.5 below the last spawned entity
        add "{Pose:{RightArm:[20f,0f,0f]}}" to nbt of {_axe}
        while player is not sneaking:
            wait 1 tick
        teleport last spawned entity -0.5 below the last spawned entity
        loop 5 times:
            wait 0.3 seconds
            push last spawned entity (direction from last spawned entity to player) at speed 2
        delete holo object "{axes}"
        execute player command "/killall armorstand"
        give a iron axe of protection 32750 and thorns 32750 named "{@name}" to player

command /baltahüküm [<text>] [<player>]:
        if player is "isminiz":
            if arg-1 is "ver":
                set {hükümlü.%arg-2%} to true
                send action bar from "&a&l&k123 &c&lHüküm aldın &a&l&k123" to arg-2                 
                send action bar from "&a&l&k123 &c&lHüküm verdin &a&l&k123" to player
                send arg-2 title "&c&lBalta &e&lHükmü Aldın" with subtitle "&4&l/thunderer" for 5 seconds
            if arg-1 is "al":
                delete {hükümlü.%arg-2%}
                send action bar from "&a&l&k123 &c&lHükümün alındı" to arg-2
                send action bar from "&a&l&k123 &c&lHüküme el koydun &a&l&k123" to player
                send arg-2 title "&c&lBalta &e&lHükmü Alındı " with subtitle "&a&l&k13123132132" for 5 seconds


4 Kas 2020
Açıkçası Hiç Bir Şey Anlamadım Ama Emek Verilmiş Gibi Gözüküyor Beğendim Fakat Yinede Çalmamışsındır Umarım


4 Kas 2020
Dostum Şimdi Fark Ettim Bu Biraz Buglu ArmorStandlara Lütfen İsim Verin Teker Teker Silmesi İçin Ayarlayın Armor Standları Direk Kırıyor Skript Dikkat Edin ArmorStandTools Kullanan Arkadaşlar Var Burda Çok Sinir Bozar Bu