OtoSat Çubuğu | Kolayca Satmanın Zamanı Geldi!


Kömür madencisi
30 May 2019
OtoSat Çubuk Skripti
Fotoğraflar SkyBlockda Denenmiştir!.
Kullanılabilir | Artık Kolayca Satacaksın.!


Gördüğünüz Gibi **15 Elmas Blok** Var


**/otosatcubuk** Komutunu Girerek. OtoSat Çubuğunu Alabilirsiniz.


Skript İçinden Paralı Değiştirebilirsiniz İyi Kullanmalar. :D

Kodu Bırakıyorum. :)

command /otosatcubuk:
    permission: bc.sandiksatar
        give 1 diamond hoe named "&c&lSatış Çubuğu" to player

on left click with diamond hoe:
    if name of player's tool is "&c&lSatış Çubuğu":
        if clicked block is a chest:
            if amount of iron block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of iron block in clicked block * 50000) to player's money
                send "&3Falcon &8» &c%(amount of iron block in clicked block * 50000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi. " to player
                remove every iron blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of gold block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of gold block in clicked block * 100000) to player's money
                send "&3Falcon &8» &c%(amount of gold block in clicked block * 100000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every gold blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of emerald block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of emerald block in clicked block * 300000) to player's money
                send "&3Falcon &8» &c%(amount of emerald block in clicked block * 300000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every emerald blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of diamond block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of diamond block in clicked block * 200000) to player's money
                send "&3Falcon &8» &c%(amount of diamond block in clicked block * 200000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every diamond blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of iron ingot in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of iron ingot in clicked block * 5000) to player's money
                send "&3Falcon &8» &c%(amount of iron ingot in clicked block * 5000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every iron ingots from clicked block
            else if amount of diamond in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of diamond in clicked block * 20000) to player's money
                send "&3Falcon &8» &c%(amount of diamond in clicked block * 20000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every diamonds from clicked block
            else if amount of emerald in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of emerald  in clicked block * 30000) to player's money
                send "&3Falcon &8» &c%(amount of emerald in clicked block * 30000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every emeralds from clicked block
            else if amount of gold ingot in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of gold ingot in clicked block * 10000) to player's money
                send "&3Falcon &8» &c%(amount of gold ingot in clicked block * 10000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every gold ingots from clicked block               
on left click with diamond hoe:
    if name of player's tool is "&c&lSatış Çubuğu":
        if clicked block is a trapped chest:
            if amount of iron block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of iron block in clicked block * 50000) to player's money
                send "&3Falcon &8» &c%(amount of iron block in clicked block * 50000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi. " to player
                remove every iron blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of gold block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of gold block in clicked block * 100000) to player's money
                send "&3Falcon &8» &c%(amount of gold block in clicked block * 100000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every gold blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of emerald block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of emerald block in clicked block * 300000) to player's money
                send "&3Falcon &8» &c%(amount of emerald block in clicked block * 300000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every emerald blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of diamond block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of diamond block in clicked block * 200000) to player's money
                send "&3Falcon &8» &c%(amount of diamond block in clicked block * 200000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every diamond blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of iron ingot in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of iron ingot in clicked block * 5000) to player's money
                send "&3Falcon &8» &c%(amount of iron ingot in clicked block * 5000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every iron ingots from clicked block
            else if amount of diamond in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of diamond in clicked block * 20000) to player's money
                send "&3Falcon &8» &c%(amount of diamond in clicked block * 20000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every diamonds from clicked block
            else if amount of emerald in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of emerald  in clicked block * 30000) to player's money
                send "&3Falcon &8» &c%(amount of emerald in clicked block * 30000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every emeralds from clicked block
            else if amount of gold ingot in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of gold ingot in clicked block * 10000) to player's money
                send "&3Falcon &8» &c%(amount of gold ingot in clicked block * 10000)% &7hesabınıza eklendi." to player
                remove every gold ingots from clicked block

Ekli dosyalar


30 May 2019
Skript senin mi ve forumda buna benzer 2 adet daha skript var​