VipSandıkSatar (SKRIPT)


Kömür madencisi
26 Haz 2022
command /vipsatar:
    permission: ss.vipsatar
        give 1 diamond hoe named "&eVIP Satar" to player
        send "&eEğer bu aletle sandığa tıklarsan herşeyi &a2x &eSatar &8- &cBunu Oyuncular Kullanılamaz Veya Satılamaz" to player

on right click with diamond hoe:
    if name of player's tool is "&eVIP Satar":
        if clicked block is a chest:
            if amount of iron block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of iron block in clicked block * 10000) to player's money
                send "&a&l%amount of iron block in clicked block% &c&lDemir Blok Satildi &f&lKazanc: &e&l%(amount of iron block in clicked block * 10000)%" to player
                remove every iron blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of gold block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of gold block in clicked block * 13480) to player's money
                send "&a&l%amount of gold block in clicked block% &c&lAltin Blok Satildi &f&lKazanc: &e&l%(amount of gold block in clicked block * 13480)%" to player
                remove every gold blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of emerald block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of emerald block in clicked block * 52000) to player's money
                send "&a&l%amount of emerald block in clicked block% &c&lZumrut Blok Satildi &f&lKazanc: &e&l%(amount of emerald block in clicked block * 52000)%" to player
                remove every emerald blocks from clicked block
            else if amount of diamond block in clicked block is greater than 0:
                add (amount of diamond block in clicked block * 26000) to player's money
                send "&a&l%amount of diamond block in clicked block% &c&lElmas Blok Satildi &f&lKazanc: &e&l%(amount of diamond block in clicked block * 26000)%" to player
                remove every diamond blocks from clicked block
Komut: /vipsatar
perm: ss.vipsatar
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