Oyuncunun istatisklerini gösteren Profil Skripti


Nether kaşifi
4 Tem 2020
Selam Forum Halkı

Bu konumda sizlere, oyunucunun istatisklerini gösteren güzel bir menüye sahip bir skript paylaşacağım.


Skriptin Komutu Ve Permi

/profil <player>
| Kişinin istatisklerini gösterir
profil.bak | Perm komudu





{oldurme.%player%} = 0
{olme.%player%} = 0
command /profil [<player>]:
permission: profil.bak
permission message: &4Üzgünüm yetkin yok!
if arg-1 is set:
play raw sound "random.orb" at arg-1 with pitch 3 volume 2
open chest with 3 rows named "&2%arg-1%'in Profili" to player
format slot 11 of player with arg-1's skull named "&eKafası" to be unstealable
if helmet of arg-1 is air:
format slot 10 of player with 166 named "&cKask bulundurmuyor!" to be unstealable
else if helmet of arg-1 is leather helmet:
format slot 10 of player with leather helmet named "&2Deri Kask" to be unstealable
else if helmet of arg-1 is chainmail helmet:
format slot 10 of player with chainmail helmet named "&7Zincir Kask" to be unstealable
else if helmet of arg-1 is iron helmet:
format slot 10 of player with iron helmet named "&bDemir Kask" to be unstealable
else if helmet of arg-1 is gold helmet:
format slot 10 of player with gold helmet named "&6Altın Kask" to be unstealable
else if helmet of arg-1 is diamond helmet:
format slot 10 of player with diamond helmet named "&bElmas Kask" to be unstealable
if chestplate of arg-1 is air:
format slot 12 of player with 166 named "&cZırh bulundurmuyor!" to be unstealable
else if chestplate of arg-1 is leather chestplate:
format slot 12 of player with leather chestplate named "&2Deri Zırh" to be unstealable
else if chestplate of arg-1 is iron chestplate:
format slot 12 of player with iron chestplate named "&bDemir Zırh" to be unstealable
else if chestplate of arg-1 is gold chestplate:
format slot 12 of player with gold chestplate named "&6Altın Zırh" to be unstealable
else if chestplate of arg-1 is chainmail chestplate:
format slot 12 of player with chainmail chestplate named "&7Zincir Zırh" to be unstealable
else if chestplate of arg-1 is diamond chestplate:
format slot 12 of player with diamond chestplate named "&bElmas Zırh" to be unstealable
if leggings of arg-1 is air:
format slot 13 of player with 166 named "&cPantolon bulundurmuyor!" to be unstealable
else if leggings of arg-1 is leather leggings:
format slot 13 of player with leather leggings named "&2Deri Pantolon" to be unstealable
else if leggings of arg-1 is iron leggings:
format slot 13 of player with iron leggings named "&bDemir Pantolon" to be unstealable
else if leggings of arg-1 is gold leggings:
format slot 13 of player with gold leggings named "&6Altın Pantolon" to be unstealable
else if leggings of arg-1 is chainmail leggings:
format slot 13 of player with chainmail leggings named "&7Zincir Pantolon" to be unstealable
else if leggings of arg-1 is diamond leggings:
format slot 13 of player with diamond leggings named "&bElmas Pantolon" to be unstealable
if boots of arg-1 is air:
format slot 14 of player with 166 named "&cBot bulundurmuyor!" to be unstealable
else if boots of arg-1 is leather boots:
format slot 14 of player with leather boots named "&2Deri Bot" to be unstealable
else if boots of arg-1 is iron boots:
format slot 14 of player with iron boots named "&bDemir Bot" to be unstealable
else if boots of arg-1 is gold boots:
format slot 14 of player with gold boots named "&6Altın Bot" to be unstealable
else if boots of arg-1 is chainmail boots:
format slot 14 of player with chainmail boots named "&7Zincir Bot" to be unstealable
else if boots of arg-1 is diamond boots:
format slot 14 of player with diamond boots named "&bElmas Bot" to be unstealable
format slot 16 of player with diamond sword named "&6İstatistikler" with lore "&d&l » &9Öldürme &e» &8%{oldurme.%arg-1%}% || &d&l » &9Ölme &e» &8%{olme.%arg-1%}% " to be unstealable
send "&8&l&m-------------------" to player
send "&e&l » &c/profil <player> &e=>&c Kişinin profiline bakar." to player
send "&8&l&m-------------------" to player
on death of player:
add 1 to {olme.%victim%}
if attacker is a player:
add 1 to {oldurme.%attacker%}